This is the most common consumer complaint in America

Thoughts immediately come to mind, don’t they?

How about dealing with your cable company?

Those robocalls.

Door-to-door solicitors.

Here’s the list.


Let’s run them down again.

1. Auto

2. Home improvement/construction

3. Utilities

4. Retail sales

5. Credit/debt

6. Health products/services

7. Services

8. (Tie) Landlord/Tenant

8. Household goods

9. Internet Sales

10. Home Solicitations

How does that national list compare with our state?

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection released its most recent list of top 10 consumer complaints. That was for 2016.

1. Telemarketing

2. Landlord/tenant

3. Telecommunications

4. Identity theft

5. Home improvement

6. Gas pump accuracy

7. Motor vehicle repair

8. Motor vehicle sales

9. Computer and equipment

10. Warranties

To file a complaint, visit the DATCP website at or call the Consumer Protection Hotline (800-422-7128).

I need my phone…or do I?

OK. This blog has nothing to do with paradise, but check out this luxury hotel on the Big Island of Hawaii. I concur with those who rate the beach there as the best in the world.

Laurance S. Rockefeller opened the resort development in 1965 and attracted a wealthy international clientele who didn’t seem to care that:

1) The resort had no televisions.

2) The resort had no telephones.

That seems unheard of today, and technology has, indeed, triumphed at the Mauna Kea. Guests today enjoy flatscreen televisions and phones, and probably couldn’t bear to vacation without them.

A poll by Common Sense Media shows 50% of teens and 27% of parents feel they’re addicted to their mobile devices.

I mention because National Public Radio just broadcast a report on one summer camp that bans cellphones. The kids reacted differently than their folks.

Listen and read.

Pork is a fine thing

Oh, yeh, the other white meat.

My favorite pork dish on the planet has to be the Grilled Pork at the California Grill in the Contemprary Resort at Walt Disney World.

The current version as of this month:

Grilled Pork – goat cheese polenta, royal trumpet mushrooms, roasted belly, apple-raisin mostarda with  pork tenderloin.

Absolutely divine.

In August, no trip to the Wisconsin State Fair is complete in my book without having…

But you’ve gotta have more pig sauce than that!

All year round you can get a very good pork tenderloin  sandwich at Culvers.

Pork Tenderloin Sandwich

Tell me a Cuban sandwich doesn’t look yummy!

That’s why I’m intrigued by…

Image result for image, photo, arby's porchetta
It’s new. It’s at Arby’s.

Read all about it.

Save $20 Off Dinner and Help Support The Wisconsin Humane Society

Save $20 Off Dinner and Help Us Support The Wisconsin Humane Society
July 11th – September 1st

Donate minimum of $10 (cash or check) and receive $15 toward your dinner. Post on your social media tagging the Five O’Clock and the WI Humane society and receive an additional $5 off. (Dine In only. Tuesday – Friday. Not valid with any other discounts or promotions. 2 entrée minimum)

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Fighting Fraud in Wisconsin

office of the governor scott walker - wisconsin is open for business

News Room      Governor’s Office      Around Wisconsin



Since taking office, it’s been a top priority to save taxpayer money – but I can’t do it alone. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Health Services (DHS) helps prevent fraud and improves our public assistance programs. The bottom line is OIG saves the state, and more importantly, you, money.

In Wisconsin, the amount of fraud has decreased and the savings have increased since creating OIG. That’s why tomorrow, I’m traveling to Green Bay and Sturtevant to honor the great work of OIG, which continues to fight fraud in Wisconsin and ensure government services are effective, efficient, and accountable to Wisconsin’s citizens.

11 Bills for Zero Overdoses


Like many other states throughout the nation, Wisconsin is experiencing a growing number of cases of opioid overdoses. In fact, in 2014, we lost 843 lives to opioid abuse – that’s 843 too many.

That’s why I signed 11 bills into law earlier this week as part of the Heroin and Opioid Prevention and Education (H.O.P.E) Agenda to address the opioid epidemic head-on.

As a parent, I understand the safety of your children and communities is the most important thing in the world, which is why we’re continuing to work with the Opioid Abuse Task Force to stop opioid abuse in Wisconsin once and for all.

Learn More >

We enjoy sharing all the great news about our state with you. It is an honor to serve as your Governor and represent the people of Wisconsin.


governor scott walker signature

Governor Scott Walker

News flash, Beyonce: Not everyone adores you

The singer is such a puke.

As you might have heard, she released a photo last Friday  with her twins, Sir Carter and Rumi, who are one month old.

Beyonce holds Rumi and Sir in the new celebratory pic

Of course, the Internet went bonkers and idiotic.

Not me.

God love Sharon Kellaway from Cork, Ireland, who did her own photo shoot as a spoof of the celeb the media stupidly calls “Queen Bey.”

“I had a few spare minutes when I saw Beyoncé photo online,” said Kellaway. “When my six-year-old came in, I grabbed a veil from her dress up box and a pink baby blanket and she snapped the shot. I sent it to my friend Sinead in Canada, who said post it.”

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, sky and outdoor

“It was just random … I have the twins, the blanket and the veil, a few home-grown flowers in a the garden … I had what she had, so why not? Thought my friends would get a giggle … didn’t expect it to go this far!”

This far, as in, viral.

Kellaway, who gave birth earlier this year to a boy and girl,  said she just had to do the photo because, and she’s being diplomatic in my view, said Beyonce  “looked so unrealistic.”

I love that there’s been a ton of backlash on social media by folks like me who don’t worship these self-absorbed prima donnas. Check it out.

I’m just wondering (as a mother of 3) where Beyoncés mommy after baby panties are being hidden? Seriously! We all know that first month after babies means granny panties and mega pads!!!!

I’m tired of hearing about her damn pregnancy and birth. Parents Magazine has posted like 10 articles about her this month alone. Like she’s the first woman who’s ever given birth or like we should all worship her. Please! If she wasn’t famous people would make fun of her for those tacky ass photos.

Yay some over advertised music sensation had 2 babies at once! So did my grandmother, in the early 60’s. And she had NO clue, no nanny, not a lot of money, AND she did a great job raising them.

Oh…so as soon as a woman gives birth, her tummy immediately goes back to its original taught, flat state? FASCINATING! Amazingly she can wear bikini bottoms with her new mommy pads too!!

Beyoncé sees herself as a goddess that gave birth to twins because morons worship her that much. Reality check she has money for beautiful skin, expensive clothes, beauty products to make her hair silky smooth and her skin to look that way. Women who are not famous as like myself have money to make my son happy. When I buy clothes I go cheap. My hair is thick and fuzzy. My skin not so smooth either. I don’t have a nanny or expensive make up to get the bags to disappear. If I want to hide my exhaustion I have to have ambition to apply the makeup myself. The woman who took home photos is more of a goddess because she’s more realistic.

I’m really disgusted with the media for their no brainer articles.

“Bouncy” really does need to cool it with all of the earth-mother posing she does with her hand on her belly. It’s not like she’s the first woman to have kids.

Beyoncé is so in “love” with the camera she doesn’t even glance at her babies, it’s like they’re a prop for her photo shoot- seriously, every new baby pic I’ve seen the mother can’t take her eyes of the baby. She looks to be juggling a couple bags of groceries (she isn’t even touching them, her hands are touching herself ) she’s fake, a fraud of a mother and doesn’t deserve the attention.

Bey’s tummy is 100% photoshopped, especially after twins!

I know she thinks she’s perfection and has a duty to share that with the world so she can feel the adoration…..but there are some of who find her repulsive

And my personal favorite:

So Beyonce’s cell clumps turned out to be human babies! Wow, what were the odds? Now we’ll have to wait years to find out what gender they’ll be. Can’t wait!