A parent’s worst nightmare

Our family supports the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes.
Image result for picture, image, photo, Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, logo

Today is Gold Star Parents Day — a day where we recognize and honor those who have lost a son or daughter while he or she was serving in the Armed Forces. Oftentimes, we assume this heartbreaking title to be a result of war or combat. Sadly, that is becoming more and more the exception to the rule.
Like the Cavanaugh twins. Boys who had spent their whole lives together and proudly enlisted in the United States Marine Corps together — one as a Machine Gunner, the other as a Combat Photographer. Both David and Tommy would serve combat tours in Afghanistan and return safely, but these brothers who shared so much in life and in arms would share something far more tragic.
All month long, we have been dedicated to bringing to light some of the jaw-dropping statistics surrounding veteran suicide. There is no greater time to support the Coalition than now, when our veterans most need our help combatting an enemy they can’t see and don’t know how to fight.

Please give today, on this last day of Suicide Prevention Month, and show our veterans that you stand with them at this most critical time. 

David W. Walker
CEO & President
The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes
P.S.No parent should have to live through losing their son or daughter — especially to suicide. Your gift today makes it possible for the Coalition to continue to provide the types of financial assistance and services that allow our veterans to focus on what’s most important — their health. Please give today to support this most important mission.

What did Gov. Walker do last week (09/30/18)

News you may not have seen, heard, or read about.

Governor Walker Announces $1 Million in New Flood Relief Assistance for Counties Impacted by Severe Flooding

Komatsu’s Harbor District HQ could have more than 1,000 employees. Gov. Walker attends announcement.

Gov. Walker gets endorsement from the Troopers’ Association.

Walker outraises Evers.

National attention for Gov. Walker.

Walker’s opponent continues to take heat for “variety” of tax increases that would take Wisconsin backward.

The record on the unemployment rate.

Walker Promises Increased Road Funding For Counties In Next State Budget.

Enjoying fall with your dog

The first day of Fall 2017 wasn’t chilly and making me want to wrap myself in a new sweater.  Do you remember?  Last year, we set a new record high temperature.   I vividly recall those blistering temps because I work in a school that does NOT have air conditioning in the classrooms.  I was less than enthusiastic about coming in that day.  I survived by drinking plenty of water and standing in front of fans any chance I had, but I did my share of complaining.

Today Kyla and I will take our annual jaunt to the Harvest Fair at the WI State Fair Park.  I may have mentioned once or twice that I LOVE FALL.  An entire festival dedicated to pumpkin bowling, hay rides, scarecrow building and caramel apples is my idea of heaven.  Last year, instead of searching out a hot cider stand we were downing bottle after bottle of cold water just to try to stay hydrated.  In fact every year we’ve gone it’s been shorts & t-shirt weather.  Not once have I been able to wear leggings, boots, and a light sweater.  This year it appears I will FINALLY have my chance!  The forecast appears that it will not reach a high of even 60 degrees!  (I’m doing my Fall Happy Dance!)

Harvest Fair isn’t a dog-and-human event.  That’s OK – you can certainly find ways to enjoy the start of the season and the appropriate temperatures with your pup.  Surely dogs can also appreciate cooler temperatures (longer, more pleasant walks) and seasonal treats (pumpkin is totally canine-friendly.)

There are many fall activities that you can enjoy with your furry friend.  Dogtime.com found a list of seven easy ones for your consideration.   Like any other season, Fall can bring some health and well-being dangers for your pet.  Common sense should always prevail but just in case here are some basic reminders of how to keep your furry friend safe.

To all the fall-loving dog owners:  Enjoy this time of year!

Wonder how much media coverage this will get

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A coalition of conservative women’s groups held a rally on Capitol Hill in support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh ahead of testimony by the Supreme Court nominee and Professor Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Mr. Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in the 1980s. Among the speakers were Concerned Women for America President Penny Nance, Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin and Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel Carrie Severino.



Going too far on Halloween?

According to The Balance:

Halloween retail spending was $9.1 billion in 2017. That’s a new record. So was the number of people celebrating at 179 million. They spent $86.13 each, another record.

The most expensive part of Halloween is costumes. In 2017, men spent $96 each, compared to $77 each for women. As a result, almost half of Americans bought them.

News stories over the past few years have focused on costumes that cross the line. For example from 2017:

Last year comedian Carey Rielly used humor to make a point.

“When did Halloween become the new swimsuit season? I couldn’t believe how almost every costume was so overtly sexualized. Apparently if you are a woman you can only be a naughty cop, a hot firefighter or cat costume named, ‘Purrfect Playmate.’

“I almost thought maybe I should shield my kids’ eyes when they were looking at the pictures. Almost all the women costumes came with either a buster or fishnet stockings. Seriously? My only choices are a nurse’s costume called ‘Hospital Honey’ or a French maid costume called ‘Sassy Maid?’

“Where are the costumes for all women? Even if I was a size 2 I would not wear a costume like this.”

This year’s outrage: “The Handsmaid’s Tale.” The plot of this TV series has fertile women being subjected into child-bearing servitude following a Second Civil War in the future.

Clothing manufacturer Yandy took this… 

And transformed the TV costume into…

Image result for image, photo, picture, handmaid's tale, sexy halloween costume

“The Brave Red Maiden.”

People went crazy.

“They didn’t have one person there to say this might not be a good idea?”

Apparently not.

The heat got too intense, and a few days ago the company correctly pulled the costume.

Yet there are those defend dressing sexy in October.


Why women say they DO dress sexy on Halloween: Because trying to curb women’s choices is the whole problem in the first place. Women’s bodies are policed every day of the year. Halloween is a welcome reprieve and a chance for women to express their sexuality, rather than repress it.

Maybe USA TODAY is right. On this issue women can’t win.

How best to prepare for autumn

My husband and I have a friendly disagreement. Then again most of our disagreements, and they’re rare, then to be friendly.

For example, I LOVE the fall. Kevin doesn’t. I wouldn’t say he hates autumn like he does winter. But he definitely fails to share my positive thoughts about the just-arrived season.

Of course I’m not thrilled with everything-fall.

How Many Calories Does Raking Leaves Burn?

Don’t care how many calories you can burn.

Patio Furniture Cleaner

Rip roaring time, NOT!

But if it’s got to be done, why not enjoy.

Here are some suggestions.

And after reading that, if you missed this article over on the side…

Want a dog as badly as I do? Caution

Friday at lunch, our conversation turned to dog ownership.  Two of my coworkers in the group have dogs; one is less than six months old and one is just a year old.  In one breath, Kristen was talking about the challenges of having a male puppy who hasn’t been neutered yet.  In the next breath she glowingly told us that getting her dog was truly the best thing that has ever happened in her life.  Spoken like a true pet parent.  I don’t blame her.  Look at Finn:

Finn Kretz 1

I relayed the fact that I want a dog more than anything else, but it’s just not going to happen for a while.  I explained that it was the reason our blog, The Barking Lot was born, and the general consensus was “Poor Fischer… can’t have a dog… so sad!”  No one tried to talk me down from my desire.  No one tried to convince me that NOT owning a dog would be better for our family.  My entire building is a group of dog lovers so that’s not really a surprise.  Not a single person told a story of regret, or warning.

Still, there are cautious words of advice out there for people considering a dog.

To be perfectly honest I can’t argue with any of those considerations.  They are practical matters that certainly need to be deliberated.  And actually, I would add a tenth; the most difficult one on the list.  You will inevitably have to say Goodbye.  Given the fact that dogs live a comparatively very short life to humans, you could easily own several dogs over the course of your lifetime.  Saying goodbye will never get easier and will always stay with you.

As a dog owner in my youth, I can attest to everything positive AND negative about having them.  And the negative will never outweigh or dissuade me from wanting another.  Sorry Kevin, husband of mine, I’m still trying to figure out the best way to convince you!