Can your dog swim?

These are definitely the dog days of summer! Ninety degrees today and tomorrow? Good time to head to the lake. In this case, Lake Wisconsin.

Lewis is a good swimmer. Obviously Lewis can swim and loves to swim.

But not all dogs are alike.

Truth is not all dogs can swim. They have trouble staying afloat. They get tired. They have respiratory problems.

Let’s rank the canine swimmers.

Topping the list…

Ah. America’s favorite breed. The labrador retriever. Ideal for swimming. A thick waterproof coat. Webbed feet. Also include…

The Portuguese Water Dog.

Not quite at the top are any number of dogs that are a bit apprehensive but can be taught.

And then there are dogs that simply have difficulty staying above the water.

Top-heavy dogs. Again…

Without a flotation device that poor boy will probably sink right to the bottom. Not his fault.

Short legs…

Dachshunds and basset hounds.

Throw in hairless or dogs with fine coats because they get cold easily.

You can instruct your doggo to swim. Just get in the water with him/her.

Is it a good idea to toss your dog into the water for that first swim?  If you do, the dog will get scared and never want to swim again.

Go easy and slow. Practice walking into the shallow water then back out again so that your dog understands that it can get out if it’s too much.

Consider one of these…

Any dog that is lightweight or has short legs should wear a life vest or jacket.

You can always coax your dog into the water with something to play with.

Stay away from waves that might frighten.

And keep your dog leashed until he/she is able to swim unassisted.

“Water therapy is beneficial in a variety of different areas,” says Dr. Jonathan Block, Veterinarian and Owner at West Delray Veterinary in Delray, Florida. “From a preventative perspective, hydrotherapy is good for fitness, body condition, and a great source of aerobic exercise that is low impact on the bones and joints. It is a great tool to help your dog stay in optimal shape.”

Have fun!

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